Sanjay Shanbhag bio photo

Sanjay Shanbhag

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Graduate Research Assistant - University of Central Florida

Worked on Industrial Automation as a part of my research assistantship at UCF.

Initial Setup Final Setup
  • Role - Industrial Robotic Automation for Shot Peening Process
    • Setup a manufacturing environment within the lab using Vention iron Extrusions.
    • Extensively worked on the Industrial grade Franka Robot for the Pick N Drop of the Automotive Stab Bars.
    • Calibrated the depth cameras for enhanced visibility of the components in the Environment.
    • Designed an application for visualizing the estimated spline and the eye point of the StabBar using High Dimensional data.
    • Enhanced the dismantling and relocation process using detailed labelling of structure components and thorough documentation.
  • Role - Data Incompleteness aspect of MRI
    • Exploring the data incompleteness aspect of MRI images
    • Performed Under sampling detection in the MRI Images using the Line detection algorithm
    • Performed motion analysis on the motion artefact contained MRI Images using Radon transform
    • I’m currently working towards a publication on the same.

Graduate Teaching Assistant - University of Central Florida

Serving as a GTA for a undergraduate course “Introduction to Robotic’s” at Computer Engineering and Electrical department

UnitreeGo1 Quadruped Robot

  • Role
    • My tasks involve conducting lab sessions for Undergrad students in ROS.
    • Managing a total of 60 students in total both online and offline.
    • Assisting students with python and Linux.
    • Delivering presentations to students for effective understanding.
    • Established a lab infrastructure for conducting robotic experiments with ROS and Ubuntu. Delivered presentations on robotic simulation, aiding a class of 60 students in their assignments. Gave a guest lecture showcasing the Unitree Quadruped robot’s functionality and advanced features.
    • Utilized AWS cloud infrastructure to create online lab environments using Robomaker and meticulously documented the entire workflow.
  • Achievements:
    • Received appreciation for quickly adapting to the newly given position as a GTA and helping the students in the lab in an effective manner
    • Received recommendation from the Professors and Department of Electrical to continue as a GTA for the rest of semester until the completion of my Masters program (2023).

Active member of IEEE SouthEast

Active member and a participant of IEEE since August 2021

Hardware Competition 2022 IEEE SouthEastCon 2023
  • Role
    • Attended various workshops conducted my IEEE on various topics of AI.
    • Volunteered actively for both the SouthEast Conferences held in Orlando and alabama as Software and hardware competition organizer.