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Sanjay Shanbhag

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Company Projects

AI Software Developer - DeukSpine Institute

  • Figure out the ways in which AI can be used to solve the issues faced by patients and improvise user experience.
  • Research and develop strategies to enhance business utilizing Generative AI, NLP and Data Science.

  • Projects:
    • Healthcare Chat Bot - Deuk Bot
      • Currently training and creating the knowledge base for the chatbot using Google Dialog flow and Google cloud API’s.
      • Exploring migration factors and integration capabilites of Dialog Flow with various chat giants like ChatGPT , PaLM etc.
      • Engineered a data pipeline to streamline comments from the YouTube channel and a assist in the development of Knowledge base for the chatbot.

Embedded Software Developer - Sigsenz Technologies Pvt Ltd

  • Was intially hired as an intern to work on the overall aspects of Edge IOT and AI.
  • Considered my work, was converted to Full-time to work on Fleet and Driver analytics Solution

  • Projects:
    • Driver Registration Application
      • Created a python based application for Driver Face Registration
      • Worked on face recognition using FACENET + UltraLight face detector
      • Utilised Azure Cognitive API’s for 2 level authenticaation of Face
      • Added features like face absense detection, OTA upddate etc to the software
    • Office and Industrial Surveillance system
      • Designed a simple software for food industry based on face recognition with a telegram alert system
      • Added multi camera support with camera based region detection
    • Driver Data Analytics
      • Started with data annotation for the various real time images using Azure cognitive services
      • Trained multi-object detection which included Facial mask, mobile-usage, seatbelt and drowsiness detection.

Data Scientist - AindraLabs Pvt Ltd

  • Projects:
    • Reverse Vending Machine
      • Utilsed background subtraction methodology to detect the bottles on the moving conveyer belt.
      • Considered using Centroid tracker for the bottle tracking for robust results
      • Trained an Intra-class classifier consisting of 150 classes
      • Designed a 360 degree barcode scanning system
    • Wood Log detection and Recognition system
      • Created a robust highly augmented dataset for a outdoor environment by applying various luminosity effects using gamma reduction to match the outdoor luminosity effects
      • Trained a attention based convolutional model to further enhance the recognition capabilities of a simple CNN classifier
      • Looked into the visualization of CNN learning using GRAD-CAM
    • People Analytics
      • Optimised a deep learning people detector model using OpenVino and hence achieved a overall FPS of 25
      • Deployment of computer vision application on the remote client side
      • Trained a staff vs customer classifier using person reidentification network OSNet